Prospectus in Detail

5th Annual Watercolor Carson City

Plein air festival to be held August 19-24, 2025

Brought to you by the Brewery Arts Center and Visit Carson City

Participating watercolor artists will paint plein air in and around Carson City, Nevada, August 19-21, 2025 and present work for the 3-day fundraiser auction / exhibits, August 22-24. Finale auction and awards reception to be held on Sunday, August 24, 1-4pm.

Event Website:

Event Contact: Valerie Moore,

Registration Deadline: June 20, 2025

Jury Notification: July 1, 2025 (Jurying will only occur if number of artist registrations exceeds capacity). 

CASH Awards - Two awards per category + People's Choice Award

Four $1000 Best of Category Awards

Four $150 Second Place Category Awards

Categories: Story, Structure, Landscape, Closeup

One category award per artist

One $500 People's Choice Award - Any exhibiting artist eligible

Juror, Katy Ann Fox,

Exhibit & Auction Location: Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, NV 89703

Charity: Proceeds from the auction fundraiser will be donated to the Brewery Arts Center

Fundraiser Auction: Three evenings

1) Friday, Aug 22, VIP Ticketed Reception, times TBA.

2) Saturday, Aug 23, Free entry. Exhibit will be open in conjunction with the Brewery Arts Levitt open-air concert, 7-10 pm.

3) Artist Awards & Reception: Finale fundraiser auction - Sunday, August 24, 2025, 1-4pm.

Competition Requirements and Specifications

Number of Entries:

  • Registration fee - $60 required. Includes one competition entry fee and tickets to all auction receptions.
  • Submission of at least one image of a previous watercolor plein air work required during registration.
  • Competition entries per artist - Maximum three (3). Entries 2 and 3 fees will be charged at artists take-in, if desired. Additional entry fee - $20 each
  • Non-competition entries per artist – Maximum three (3) additional plein air works. These plein air pieces can be either works submitted in the art call, OR plein air work created during the event date, or a combination of the two, space permitting. Additional non-competition entry fee, $10 each.

Plein Air Only:

  • Registered artists may check-in and paint any or all of the event painting days August 19-22, 2025.
  • All competition entries must be started and completed plein air during the event dates.
  • All competition entries must show an official plein air certification card.
  • No photographic reference assistance is permitted at any time during the creation of a plein air entry.
  • It is recommended that participating artists work in pairs or groups to encourage camaraderie, safety, and plein air integrity.
  • Each registered artist is considered a "designated event participant" for plein air verification purposes.

Allowable Media:

  • Accepted media includes: transparent watercolor, gouache, water-soluble ink, or acrylic (acrylic must be painted transparently on paper).
  • Non-water media allowed IF takes up less than 20% of PAPER surface area. Allowable 20% or less non-water media includes permanent ink (i.e. most micron or Sharpie pens), pastel, charcoal, chalk, and graphite. No oil based paints or 3-dimensional media.If in doubt, please inquire via email to event organizer
  • Media NOT accepted: Oils, water-soluble oils, alcohol inks, collage, 3-dimensional art, found objects, crafts, fibers, glass, acrylic painted opaquely on board or canvas.

Allowable Surfaces:

  • Paper surface may be natural fiber (i.e. cotton rag), or synthetic (i.e. Yupo) of any weight (i.e. 90, 140, or 300 lb).
  • Surfaces NOT accepted: Canvas or rigid boards, including clay board, aqua board, or watercolor board.

Size Requirements:

  • Painting image size must be between 64 and 330 square inches (i.e. smallest 8"x8" or largest 15”x22").

Presentation Requirements:

  • All entries to be presented with mat, frame, and glazing.
  • Mat: REQUIRED for all entries: Archival white or off-white ONLY. Backing board, such as foam or gator board required. Artwork must be securely attached with archival tape or hinges. White mats with black- or colored-core are permitted. No double mats. Mat width not to exceed 4 inches.
  • Frame: Simple wood or metal frame preferred. Must be professionally presented, without obvious chips, scratches, or debris. Back must include hanging wire, with d-ring style hooks, dust cover, and bumper pads. Painting labels and plein air certification cards must be visible on back of entry – can be attached over hanging wire, as long as they do not interfere with hanging. Frame width not to exceed 2 inches.
  • Glazing: Acrylic (i.e. Plexiglas), glass, or varnished works permitted. Anti-reflective or museum glazing permitted. May be presented without glass or acrylic glazing if the mat and artwork are varnished with archival varnish. Varnish must be completely dry and free of noxious fumes.
  • The plein air certification card must be visible on back of framing (examples will be provided).
  • Entries submitted for presentation without a mat or in mat colors other than white or off-white will be disqualified. No beige, gray, blue, tan, ecru, pastel colors, etc.

Entry Submission:

  • All entries must be submitted between 11:00am - 2:00 pm on Friday, August 22, 2025 at the Brewery Arts Center, first floor exhibit hall.
  • Each competition entry must have:
  • 1) A visible plein air certification card affixed.The plein air certification card must be visible on back of framing (examples will be provided).
  • 2) An associated bid sheet, with Artist Name, Painting Title, and Minimum Bid Price (a Buy Now price is optional). Bid sheets will be filled out by the artist during entry submission.
  • 3) A printed art call label with artist and painting details, affixed to the back of the painting (examples will be provided)
  • The submission process must be completed by 2:00pm. Plan to arrive early. While a trained volunteer crew will be on hand, the submission process will likely require time and patience.
  • Artists may have a representative deliver entries on their behalf, provided all entries and associated paperwork are accurate and complete. Artists who have a representative submit on their behalf must have signed plein air certification cards for each plein air entry, affixed to the back of the framed entry. All entries deemed incomplete or not adequately verified will be disqualified.
  • Entries submitted for presentation without a mat or in mat colors other than white or off-white will be disqualified. No beige, gray, blue, tan, ecru, pastel colors, etc.

Digital Image Entry

  • Prospective artist must submit at least one, or up to three, image(s) showing example prior plein air water media work. 
  • Additionally, during plein air event dates, participants agree to capture image(s) of painting entries before presentation under mat or frame, for sales promotion and marketing.
  • Upload images to 5th Annual Watercolor Carson City art call using registration login details.
  • Files must be jpg and uploaded in the appropriate orientation.
  • Follow instructions in the User Entry Process Tutorial video on the Art Call Home Page.
  • Contact us you if require further image assistance (after reviewing the instructional video).


  • Participants agree to a 30% commission on all sales occurring as a result of event participation, including before, during, and after the event days, and for 30 days post-event.
  • All entries must be for sale.
  • All sales transactions will be handled by the Brewery Arts Center. No sales tax will be incurred at point of sale.
  • Artists can expect to receive payment for sales of work, less commission, via check within 30 days of the final day of the event.

Event Conclusion:

  • The event concludes at the end of the auction sales event on Sunday, August 24, 2025. Unsold entries must be picked up at the end of the fundraiser auction. Any unsold work left behind will be considered donated for 100% commission.

Event Cancelation:

  • While unlikely, the event may be canceled if the registration minimums are not reached, or for unforeseen emergent circumstances.
  • If event is canceled, artist entry fees will be refunded.

The Fine Print:

  • The registration fee covers one painting submission and gains the artist entry to all receptions, including the VIP Auction Reception and Awards Reception. 
  • No refunds even if juried out.
  • Participants agree to use of images taken during the event and of painting entries for promotional purposes.
  • Participants agree to capture image(s) of painting entries before presentation under mat or frame, for sales promotion and marketing. Upload images to 5th Annual Watercolor Carson City art call using initial registration login details.
  • Artists who register and do not submit at least one entry will be banned from future participation for two years.
  • Any artist who sells artwork privately to avoid paying the event commission will be banned from future events. This restriction applies to work created or promoted under the umbrella of this event.